Test Automation Meetup – March 2025

Topic one
10 AM EST - 11 AM EST

AI-powered Test Automation: Building Bots in Playwright

Marcel Veselka
Marcel Veselka
Topic two
11 AM EST - 12 PM EST

How to Keep Your Productivity Up Despite AI

Marcus Merrell
Marcus Merrell
10 AM EST - 12 PM EST
March 12, 2025 (Wednesday)
Marcel Veselka
CEO at Wopee.io
About speaker
Marcus Merrell
Principal Technical Advisor at Sauce Labs
About speaker
Paul Grossman
Paul Grossman
Independent Consultant in AI Driven Test Automation
About host
Why You Should Attend:
Latest Test Automation Trends
Latest Test Automation Trends
Discover new insights and practical strategies to enhance test automation.
Interactive Q&A Sessions
Interactive Q&A Sessions
Engage with test automation experts to get practical solutions and insights in real time.
Access to Meetup Recordings
Access to Meetup Recordings
Review past discussions anytime to stay updated on strategies and tools.
Expert Consultation
Expert Consultation
Connect with specialists in test automation to address your unique testing challenges.
Register for the Meetup
Join Us On Wednesday
March 12, between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Eastern Time (EST)
Marcel Veselka
Marcel Veselka
CEO at Wopee.io
About speaker
10 AM EST - 11 AM EST
AI-powered Test Automation: Building Bots in Playwright
  • Testomat Enhancing Efficiency with AI-Powered Playwright Automation: Explore how AI and large language models (LLMs) can reduce manual effort by autonomously generating and maintaining test cases, helping teams focus on what matters most.
  • Testomat From User Stories to Automated Tests: See how AI can analyze applications, capture key insights, and seamlessly translate them into executable Playwright tests—streamlining workflows and improving accuracy.
  • Testomat The Future of AI in Testing: Gain a fresh perspective on how AI is transforming test automation, offering scalable, adaptable solutions that align with evolving industry needs.
Marcus Merrell
Marcus Merrell
Principal Technical Advisor at Sauce Labs
About speaker
11 AM EST - 12 PM EST
How to Keep Your Productivity Up Despite AI
  • Testomat There are a lot of interesting AI tools out there, but there’s also a lot of snake oil
  • Testomat DevOps.com did a survey showing that AI tools are increasing, not decreasing the amount of bad code, and that it’s costing millions of hours of lost productivity
  • Testomat “This is the worst it’s ever going to look”. Of course, this is true. But why are we already declaring victory?
  • Testomat There are some true experts in the field (Jason Arbon, Tariq King) doing good work to make sure the productivity gains are real. We will survey these free-and-open source projects—no selling
  • Testomat We’ll wrap up with an actionable list of things to look for—tools to separate the charlatans from the true differentiators
Paul Grossman
Independent Consultant in AI Driven Test Automation
About host

Testimonials Regarding Our Events

I really enjoy being part of the meetups, both as a speaker and as an attendee. The events are well-organised and the lineup is consistently of high quality
Marcel Veselka
Marcel Veselka
CEO at Wopee Labs
It was a cool online meetup format, that enables people all around the world to hear about many different new technologies and emerging trends in testing.
Péter Földházi
Péter Földházi
Quality Architect at EPAM Systems USA
I'm grateful for inviting me as a speaker to their virtual test automation meetup
Bas Dijkstra
Bas Dijkstra
Test automation trainer and consultant
As a speaker at an online meetup, I was impressed with the level of interaction and engagement from the attendees. It was rewarding to discuss software accessibility to the test automation community, and it was clear that the audience was passionate about the subject. Thank you!
Marcus Merrel
Marcus Merrel
Principal Technical Advisor at Sauce Labs
The virtual test automation meetup was an absolute blast! It offered me the chance to connect with a vibrant community of like-minded engineers. The level of enthusiasm and active participation from the audience made the whole experience incredibly fulfilling – an event to remember!
Matthias Zax
Matthias Zax
Guild Lead CI/CD DevOps at Raiffeisen Bank International

Our Summits and Meetups Were Attended by Employees of The Following Companies


Frequently asked questions

1. Does it cost money to watch the meetup? Testomat

No. The meetup is absolutely free to watch. We hope that you get some really great value from the content!

2. Will a replay be available if I can't join the day of the meetup? Testomat

Yes, the meetup will be available on demand for anyone who is registered for the meetup.

3. Do I have to be a Testomat customer to register for the meetup? Testomat

No. The content of the meetup can help any business related with Test Automation and is available to everyone.

4. After I register, how do I access the Test Automation Meetup stream? Testomat

After you register for the meetup, you will receive an email with a link that is specific to you. You will access the meetup through that link.