For quickly starting your testing with testomat.io test management system we provide a simple import from another test management app. Import is based on generated csv/xls file. The deal does not require training and hard file configurations.
The build-in importer is powerful and easy to use at once, ready to handle thousands of test artifacts with a few clicks. So, you can import all of your manual classical test cases or BDD test cases as quickly as possible.
Note, project configuration as if Steps, test suites, the test plan will being saved. And you will be able to continue your project with all before testing data which will boost this testing project to a new level.
You can migrate test cases
from the following test management systems:
Also, we prepare a CSV template example, you might meet it before you proceed with the import process. Especially, if you don`t use any test management system till now and your test cases are scattered about in various spreadsheets, Google Docs or notepad – organising them into a centralized test case management system makes a lot of sense!
💭 Have any questions regarding the import process, will be free to set up your personal DEMO or contact Us!