Notification is one of the attractive Agile testing tool features. Test management web application testomat.io provides for collaborative purposes notification QA team, development team and business. So, keeping the teams engaged with project updates and getting fast feedback from business owners is simpler than ever! In addition, you as the test manager or team owner through Team Management Dashboard will have end-to-end visibility on your collaboration process.
available to notify by:
- Email notifications
- Slack notification
- Jira Notification
- MS Teams
Test management workflow and notification
The content of the notification is tied directly to what’s happening with your testing project.
For example:
- notify team members of failed tests or passed tests
- notify test results after test executions
- send brief test reports to stakeholders
In cases inviting users to your project or assigning — the test management application will notify users by email of this project updates automatically. Any kind of notification is free. Including notify testers through GitLab, notify testers Azure DevOps, notify testers Jenkins, notify testers CircleCI, notify testers Github ect.
How to setup notification
Sending configuration thanks to seamless integration is really simple. Enable notification you can on Settings Dashboard Report Notification. You are free to select an environment and configure condition notification should be sent. Simply fill the fields. Then modify your notification scheme to notify a group of people of your choice. Also, notification settings might be configured through the Advanced rules engine with using variables.
Follow on Docs link to know, how to set notifications for your team in detail through the image example.
Use Automation for Jira to configure a rule that would be triggered when the test case is approved, and would send an e-mail in result to the people you want to notify.
Who will receive the notification from the test management app?
Only the users who have access to the test suite can receive the email notifications.
If you want to share test project results with unregistered users, first generate after and then send the public test report link.