BDD & Agile Methodologies
in Quality Assurance

Here we briefly cover the main points of BDD (Behavior Driven Development) conception for Agile team and Software Testing Process. We emphasize describing user stories through BDD scenarios using business readable gherkin language.

Through the course of this blog post, we will briefly cover the main points of BDD (Behavior Driven Development) conception. Without going into details, only the most important things.

What is a Behavior?

Behavior is the action and interaction of an individual according to the environment. Simple, it is scenarios. An application or a feature exhibits some scenarios and due to this calls behavioral responses => behaviorlicity.


  • logging into a web page
  • follow the links for navigation
  • submitting forms
  • receiving expected errors

Different people have different behavior. Sometimes responses depend on particular conditions when doing actions within our examples.

How Different scenarios may lead to the same result. One more example 😀

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This approach defines various ways to develop a feature based on appropriate behavior.

What is BDD?

Behavior­ Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile software development process that encourages cooperation between developers and non-technical participants in within the project. The main concept is to combine an engineering component with a business goal to succeed.

BDD is a test-centred software development process. Mainly tests are based on desired systems behavior, written in terms of business value. BDD focuses on Test First Development conception. It means a Shift Left Approach because we try to start testing before the development phase.

Behaviour scenarios are the cornerstone of Behavior­ Driven Development 🪨☘️️

  • Scenarios focus on the expected behaviors of the product
  • Each scenario focuses on one specific feature
  • Scenarios can be run manually (Manual Testing) or automatically (Automation Testing)

User Story

In the Agile BDD development process, requirements should be converted into user stories. Quality Assurance Engineers strive to use a more short user story format. Mostly one user story equals one product functionality.

Gherkin BDD

Gherkin is one of the most popular languages describing systems behavior. It represents behaviors as scenarios.

Features are the highest-level description of the desired product functionality.
Feature File is a file that contains one feature. Also it includes information for each feature scenario.

Feature file example
Feature file example

Scenarios answers on ques: Would be? What happens? Why? And what should the application do according to the user story?
Behavioral specifications are formalized expected outcomes, explaining what it they actually does.

GivenThe initial condition. If there are several initial conditions, then each new condition is added from a new line using the And keywordButAnother outcome

And Some more context
When The event that initiates this scenario. If the event is complex, then all subsequent details are described within the keywords And and But.
Then This is a verification step, here should be the outcome claimed
As a The role of the person in the business model interested in this feature.
I want Description of feature benefit
In order to Person’s goal

Real Example
Not only Quality Assurance Engineer, anybody from team BA, PO, DEV can write BDD scenarios as well, since they are just English phrases.

Key Behavior Driven Development Benefits

  • The major benefits of BDD are a better team collaboration
  • Customer-oriented, consequently BDD helps to reach a wider user-ends audience, focusing on the business’s needs. This makes the product more successful.
  • With the help of automation tools, Gherkin BDD scenarios can easily be turned into automated test cases.
  • Code reusability, you can assign variables
  • Speed up the development process and delivery of the products
  • More reliable outcomes of testing

3 Reasons Why is BDD an Excellent Pair to Agile?

  • BDD is flexible, changes made easy
  • BDD is a refinement of the Agile process, not an overhaul
  • It formalizes Acceptance Criteria and Test Coverage
  • BDD is like a third layer between business and Automated Testing. supported BDD

  • Advanced BDD, Gerkin implementation
  • Auto formatting and enhancement in BDD Editor
  • Autogenerated living BDD documentation
  • Autoconverting classical test cases to BDD test cases

…more details about BDD support

Create first BDD project
Turn your Jira stories into BDD features as well as test cases into BDD scenarious 👇
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